Thursday, May 3, 2007

Scoot people! Obnoxious person in the house!

It wasn’t just the exasperating train ride this morning, but today’s post is an augmentation of frustration accumulated over years. I guess, the pressure peaked today and voila - Pandora's Box has opened ….

Let me ask you this – have you been in that incommodious position on the subway/bus where this asinine person sitting right next to you assumes that you are a part of the public fixture, as in 'seat'? This apathetic audience rests half their body weight on you and blatantly ignores a polite excusez-moi. What you are left with, is few inches of microscopic space to accommodate yourself and not to forget, a stranger’s body weight encroached upon every inch of your existence.

I for one, have had enough. I feel it's time either these churlish, imperceptive, undignified people pay for two seats or else the rest of the civilized world get a hefty discount for our tickets. I mean, since I sit on one-quarter of the seat, I may as well pay for 1/4th of the ticket. The uncouth lot might call this unfair but hey, c'est la vie.

I know Southwest airlines came up with this brilliant concept where people beyond a ‘certain weight limit’ needed to purchase two tickets; I think it's time every public transport implemented that rule, BUT here is the difference - It shouldn’t be targeted at portly people. To annihilate this issue, this Draconian rule should be directed at just about anyone who is ill-mannered and lacks the power to comprehend a basic concept – ‘a stranger’s limb' is NOT symbolic or reminiscent of 'rest areas’ on the highway. There is no apology or remorse from these people but before you know, you feel like a hapless animal deprived of any sensation awaiting coup de grâce.

I know most of us are beleaguered by these nincompoops. Any thoughts? Do you think any action should be taken against such imbeciles because as Oscar Wilde would say “ I sometimes think that God, in creating man, overestimated his ability.”

Copyright © 05.03.2007


Anonymous said...

I agree with what you say... just to make you feel a little better.. here is how bad things can be:

But jokes aside, it is true.. most people in the subway have no consideration of others.. normal individuals turn into sinsiter selves once thrown into the subway madness... What can be done about it? I guess this is the price one pays for living in a 'thriving' city!

Anonymous said...

Charging extra for overweight people..won't that be descrimination against body weight (or something)...another money making venue for the lawyers...

Anonymous said...

I liked the post. Honestly coming from a place where I was used to hanging from a bus and risking my life, such incidents wouldnt bother me :)

Anonymous said...

Vizzy, twocents suggested not charging overweight people but obnoxious people. it's not about size it is about attitude and manners.

Anonymous said...

"Honestly coming from a place where I was used to hanging from a bus and risking my life, such incidents wouldnt bother me :)"

anonymous, maybe you are one of those people who encroaches upon other's space and that's why you are defending your type:-) you may not be bothered but ask those people who felt bothered by you.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the memories of train rides in aamchi Mumbai have faded